How Many Babies Do Rattlesnakes Have? (And How Often)

There’s nothing scarier than a rattlesnake, except for multiple rattlesnakes! While rattlesnakes are usually solo travelers, babies do stick together at birth. But how many babies do rattlesnakes have? Here’s what I’ve seen: As a general rule, rattlesnakes give birth to an average of 10 babies at a time. However, the rattlesnake life cycle and … Read more

Do Baby Rattlesnakes Stay with Their Mom? (For how long)

Rattlesnakes are ovoviviparous, meaning that they have live births and the babies come out a little more mature than other snakes that are hatched. But after being born, do baby rattlesnakes stay with their mom? Here’s what I’ve noticed: Baby rattlesnakes will stay with their mother for 1-2 weeks, until their first shedding, and then … Read more

Are Baby Rattlesnakes More Poisonous? (Myths vs facts)

There is a myth that says baby rattlesnakes are more dangerous than adults. This idea comes from the notion that baby rattlesnakes cannot control how much venom they use. But are baby rattlesnakes more poisonous? Here’s what I know: As a general rule, baby rattlesnakes are not more poisonous than adults. Additionally, adult rattlesnakes are … Read more

If You Find a Baby Rattlesnake Are There More? (avg litter)

There’s an urban myth that baby rattlesnakes are more dangerous than full-sized ones. So naturally, if we see a baby rattlesnake, we get nervous! And knowing that mama rattlesnakes have more than one baby, it’s natural to wonder if you find a baby rattlesnake are there more? Here’s what I’ve noticed: If the baby rattlesnake … Read more